Learn to code by Making 2.5 D Space shooter Game

Suleiman Abdullah
3 min readNov 4, 2021

Objective : Understand How to Move a Player what data type of Horizontal ,Vertical Input return

In order to make our player move we need to understand how to map player with user Input ,then configure control with UnityEngine Api

In order to to do these lets se how to move a player manually when you select a player and move by using unity navigation

this process is called Translate

In Unity api there is a class for Translate

transform.Translate(Vector3 translation);

This show this class Moves the transform in the direction and distance of translation

Vector3.right is equivalent to new Vector3(1,0,0) if we change to new Vector3.left(-1,0,0) the Player will move to the left.

The First Step to map the player with user input go to Edit > Project Settings > Input Manager

Input Manager

Input Manager uses axis to configure control to use UnityEngine.Input Api, the class is Input and method is GetAxis.


This show this class return float number in range -1…1 for keyboard and joystick

The second step is to identify axis since it is accessed by axisName, go to Edit > Project Settings > Input Manager. This brings up the Input Manager. Expand Axis to see the list of your current inputs

Second Lets declare our axis for Input.GetAxis(“axisName”);

Third Lets connect user input with player to translate according to player input

Then go to unity editor and try to use right and left key or a and d key to move our player right or left

we successfully mapped our player with user Input



Suleiman Abdullah

Self taught Unity Developer, who is passion about making games ,and he loves Math For Game Development