Learn to code by making a 2D space shooter game.

Suleiman Abdullah
2 min readJan 24, 2022

Objective: Deployment to PC.

The first step goes to File< build setting, before doing this make sure you add all your scene to build settings.

The next step select Platform PC, Mac& Linux Standalone, this option is a default option in the build setting.

Got to Player setting adjust the company name, product name, and version of your game.

Next thing is to change full-screen mode go to the resolution window and expand it, if you leave the full-screen option you won't be able to quit your game using the ESC key this needs to be coded to do this so, for now, disable the full screen and adjust to windowed.

Now close Resolution and presentation hit the built button create a folder and where to build your execution it will take some minutes to finish the build.

Note: if your color space option is Gama you need to change to linear for build to work

To solve that go File < Build Settings < Player Setting Other settings < Color space, adjust from game To Linear.

Last a pop folder will open with some file open .exe file starting with the name of the project.

See you in the next article.



Suleiman Abdullah

Self taught Unity Developer, who is passion about making games ,and he loves Math For Game Development