Learn to make cutscenes in unity3d by building a stealth Game.

Suleiman Abdullah
2 min readJul 17, 2022

Objective: Understand Reflection probes Vs Screen space Reflections.

Let's start to understand Reflection Probes.

In the first step go to GameObject<Light < Reflection Probe and Unity will create a Reflection Probe which is an outline box with a circle inside it that will catch the look of our scene to give the reflection.

Now Select the Reflection Probes <Inspector <Edit option, then edit the reflection probe to the space we want to be reflected.

Go to the scene roaming around to see if we are getting Reflection. Yeah, we see reflection but the truth is we are getting a reflection that is good but not great.

Note: The reflection probe is a cheap reflection, which means it is not an expensive call.

The best practice is to use the Reflection probe when building mobile games since it's cheap when it comes to performance.

Let's understand screen space and when we should use it.

Screen space Reflection comes with a post-processing stack, select your post-processing stack and enable screen space reflection.

enable screen space reflection of post-processing

In the following step, go to the scene and enable post-processing and see the changes we get, we get an accurate reflection.

NOTE: Screen space reflection is an expensive call.

When to use screen space reflection?

When you are building your application for a console or desktop app you should use screen space reflection.

See you in the next article.



Suleiman Abdullah

Self taught Unity Developer, who is passion about making games ,and he loves Math For Game Development