Learn to make cutscenes in unity3d by building a stealth Game.

Suleiman Abdullah
3 min readJul 7, 2022

Objective: Understand the basics of Light mapping.

In the first step Select, Window < Rendering<LightSetting, then drag it next to the inspector.

In the next step, drag the Light setting tab next to the inspector tab, then change the Light mapper setting from Progressive to Enlight.

Note: Make Sure Auto Generate is checked to make the process of generating light automatically.

What is Enlighten mode of the Light Mapper Setting?

This was the old way Unity use to calculate light rendering.

Enlighten mean, that Unity will calculate light due to the change you made in the scene but it won't show the result until it finishes all the calculation.

In the next step, we need to crank up the direction light Intensity and see the result. If you check below there is a bar that shows the calculation of the light when finished calculating the light the result will show on your scene.

Note: This is the old way to calculate light data and it can take to 5 to 6 hours to calculate light according to the size of the scene.

Now change the light Mapper option to progressive, this is the new way of calculating light data in Unity.

Note: Progressive Lightmapper added in unity version 2018.1

What is Progressive LightMapper?

It then produces the output immediately and progressively refines it over time for a much-improved interactive lighting workflow.

Progressive LightMapper, Is the new way of calculating light which will provide you a quick previous of your changes as soon as possible.

Now go to the direction after setting the intensity to normal and crank up the intensity of the direction light. When adjusting the light now we can see that we are getting an update immediately giving a quick preview of what the changes look like before it resolves in more details.

Wow, this is the life savior so now if you are an artist or hard-core programmer you can make changes and get the result quickly while the total calculation is calculated outside the scene view.

See you in the next article.



Suleiman Abdullah

Self taught Unity Developer, who is passion about making games ,and he loves Math For Game Development